Packing List for a Worldtrip

Or for a longer trip which goes beyond a city trip, a vacation or a little road trip. This is for every trip you will do where you need a plan!

General things to consider

Before you start packing and especially before you start buying things for your travels, think about what kind of traveler you are and what you really need. Having more with you than you can carry is no fun and slows you down - believe us!

Some questions that can help you figuring out your needs and wishes for your individual packing list

  • How much do I need while traveling?
  • From my experience, which items did I never use and why?
  • How long do I want to travel?
  • Can I afford buying things when I really need them at a certain time on my trip?
  • What are basics I need anyway?
  • What are more specific items I need for certain activities, regions etc.?
  • What are extras/ gadgets which makes my trip way nicer?
  • What are nice to have items that I can add if I still have enough space in my luggage?
  • How can you safe weight and amount of certain items like socks, shirts, underwear etc.?

We differentiated between basic and specific items, extras and nice to have's. With that it should be easier to decide for yourself!

Basics on the packing list

  • Underwear (we prefer Merino for many reasons)
  • Socks (we prefer three different varieties – thin, normal and warm)
  • Long sleeves (for example for long train rides)
  • Shirts and Tops (make sure they fit to all your outfits)
  • Functional and sport clothes like trekking trousers (make activities easier)
  • Comfortable clothes (for rainy days inside)
  • Trekking shoes (for hiking and cold times)
  • Light shoes (Nils prefers Amphibians shoes by Salomon, Anna slippers by Shoemate)
  • Rain jacket (which goes beyond a windbreaker)
  • Sunglasses and spectacle case (for long bus trips during the night)
  • Sun crème (you know why)
  • Moskito spray (here we recommend one with DEET if you go to Asia)
  • Travelbook/-journal (you will have so many new open minded ideas)
  • Sleeping inlay (best for it is a silk inlay for example by XX)
  • Travel towels (trekking towels dry quicker)
  • A cup (so you can re-use it over and over again)
  • Spoon (you will use it for everything)
  • Hygiene articles (we recommend for example soaps instead of shower gel)
  • Swimming equipment (even if we love naked swimming the most)
  • Smartphone (makes life just easier)
  • Sleeping mask (you will love it in so many situation – very comfy one is XY)
  • Cap or Loop (something for your precious head à lulu lemon)
  • Flip-Flops (for shower or just to have shoes for home)
  • Scarf or something similar (sometimes trains, airplanes etc. are very cold)
  • Clothespins and a little bit string, fixing pins (makes you more flexible)
  • Laundry detergent (for the little and big accidents and for your freedom)
  • First-aid kid (hopefully you will not need it!)
  • Salt and Pepper (already for the first tomato juice up in the air)


Specific items on the packing list

  • Water purifier (we love the MSR water purifier)
  • Rain trousers (for the paths you have to go no matter what)
  • Moskito net (we experienced quite shitty ones on the way)
  • Headlamp (you can use both your hands for something important)
  • Powerbank (gives you freedom)
  • Penknife (for small and big occasions)
  • Thermos jug (for cold and rainy regions)
  • Medicine for specific regions (like malaria pills)

Extras on the packing list

  • Camera (we have a quite good smartphone right now, changed approach)
  • Gopro (the quality is really good nowadays)
  • Drone – You will be so happy afterwards, be sure it is allowed to fly)
  • Gimbal (for more steady videos)
  • Tripod for awesome selfies, time-laps and tong exposures
  • External hard-drive (safe your data twice)
  • Notebook (if you want to write, work, polish up your pics)
  • Something fancy (to dress for Cities or awesome photo shootings)

Nice to have’s on your packing list

  • Extra clothes (that you not really need but like)
  • Extra shoes (for the party, the event, the mountain)
  • Hammock (well, this one is just nice to have)
  • Cooker (for freedom and warm food)
  • Plates or a bowl (for the snack in between)
  • Second passport (if you need to order a visa in a foreign country)
  • A game (for all the waiting hours and of course for fun)
  • Belt with hidden money shelf (so you always have money, even if they steal your luggage)

Anything you miss that we need to add? Please contact us!


A repacking routine you will get

The more routine you get the easier and faster you will repack your bag. That makes life more relaxed because it is not that big hassle anymore. First thing to do is to find out how to pack a backpack right and make a habit out of it. One routine will be that your belongings get a steady place in your backpack and you will find everything much easier and faster. What we found out as well  is that we sometimes need to get everything out of our luggage. Especially when we stay somewhere a bit longer. Yes, it’s more work to repack it again but it feels more like being home and you get a better overview what you really have and use. On some journeys before we sometimes found something we did not use at all because we did not know that we had it with us.

Soon we will have a PDF file with a checklist for packing!